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Bud Foster Taking on Advisory Role for Virginia Tech Going Forward

Bud Foster 1
Photo Credit: Jake Roth

There have been some Hokie fans who have wondered whether Bud Foster could even return to be Virginia Tech's next defensive coordinator following the dismissal of Chris Marve. While Brent Pry says that Foster will not be returning to take on that role, he did share that Foster will be around the program more going forward.

"He’s not going to be the defensive coordinator. We’ve put that rest. He’s going to be involved in an advisory role (going forward). In some way, shape, or form; Bud’s going to be part of our defense," Pry said.

The details of Foster's involvement haven't been figured out exactly yet, with Pry mentioning that there's still a lot to be determined about what his role will exactly look like.

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