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Virginia Tech Reveals Their Official Offer Design for the 2021 Class

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Photo Credit: Harley Taylor

August 1st is a big day in the world of college football recruiting as it's the first day where teams can send official scholarship offers to rising seniors. These offers can be an indication of how much interest a school really has in a player if they do send one, or show they have moved on if they don't.

While plenty of schools try to have both a spectacular photo design and include a note informing the recruit of their offer, Virginia Tech has topped all schools with their spectacular design.

That's the offer that was sent to talented DE Robert Jackson, one of Virginia Tech's top DE targets who told us late in June that the Hokies were among those recruiting him the hardest along with Rutgers, Pittsburgh, Indiana, and Cincinnati.

As you can see, the Hokies have done something similar to what they did for players making different wish lists with players overlooking Lane Stadium with the official letter below. "Enter Light, Exit Light" is also very much embraced with this being as the lights come along with maroon and orange cutting through in what is a tremendous graphic that likely is to impress recruits.

While Virginia Tech did some impressive work prior to the arrival of Creative Media Director Zach Lantz, the Hokies have stepped up their game since with Lantz being a big reason for it.

Of course, there's a lot more to winning recruitments than cool graphics but in this area, Tech continues to stand with the best of the best led by Lantz.

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