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WR Kylen Austin Recaps His Virginia Tech Junior Day Visit

VT v UNC 2019 41

Virginia Tech had a long Junior Day full of talented recruits from California stars at midnight to big name East Coast recruits at midday. One of the more notable, regular Junior Day visitors was WR Kylen Austin who has seen his recruitment take off since the Hokies became the first Power 5 school to offer him.

Austin told us that his VT Junior Day visit was "out of the world" and that he "loved" his time in Blacksburg. Austin did a few notable things on this trip from a photoshoot to touring campus and spending time with head coach Justin Fuente and WRs coach Jafar Williams.

Austin's time with Justin Fuente went quite well as Austin feels he built a stronger bond with the Hokies' head coach.

"I felt a bond between us! We learned a lot about each other including life and such things like that. We also talked about how Virginia Tech can make me a better man!" Austin said.

Additionally, Kylen Austin had the chance to spend some time with his potential collegiate position coach Jafar Williams. That time also went quite well with Austin seeing quickly how strong of a connection the two had.

"My time was great! We talked about life after college and football. I was telling him how the campus fitted me. Our connection is great with one another," Austin said.

Austin added that the "97% graduation rate" was one of the things that stood out to him while he also said one thing that was unique about his visit was that "it felt like home."

Overall, Austin told us that this visit had a great impact on his recruitment with the Hokies being "one of my top choices" and earning a spot in his top 5. He added this as to why Tech is a part of his top 5.

"It’s all about the fit in my opinion. And VT showed me what it was like to fit in there. They were showing a lot of love towards me and my mom, and we both loved everything about the campus including the graduation rate which was 97%," Austin said.

Looking ahead, Austin told us that he has plans to visit Virginia and Liberty in the near future.

Overall, Virginia Tech put themselves in a great early position in Kylen Austin's recruitment with plenty of time to go before a decision comes.

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