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Sam Siefkes Leaves His Mark on Virginia Tech’s Defensive Staff

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Photo Credit: Virginia Tech Athletics

Virginia Tech rolled out a host of staff changes last week, announcing the hires of five new staffers while adjusting the roles of Shawn Quinn, Xavier Adibi, Brent Davis, and Stu Holt.

It was known that more shakeups would be coming after the big offseason hires for the Hokies at both coordinator spots along with OL coach and S&C coach. There was a lot to take away from these moves in a lot of directions.

The biggest takeaway though may be the fact that Sam Siefkes’ impact on the defensive staff is clear.

Let’s start with the two defensive staff additions: Bryan Whitehead and Jireh Wilson. Both Whitehead and Wilson have direct ties to Sam Siefkes having either played or coached for him.

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