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Virginia Tech Offensive Coordinator Tyler Bowen Leaving for Ohio State OL Coach Job

Tyler Bowen 1 VT Winter Offseason 2023 From VT
Photo Credit: Virginia Tech Athletics

Virginia Tech will end up having two new coordinators in 2025 as Hokies offensive coordinator/QB coach Tyler Bowen is leaving to become the offensive line coach at Ohio State as first reported by Football Scoop.

Bowen leaves after spending the past three seasons as Virginia Tech’s offensive coordinator including the first season as the TEs coach as well and the second two as the QBs coach. Bowen does have some offensive line background as he was an offensive lineman in college at Maryland, and coached offensive line at Fordham (2015-16) and Maryland (2017).

There was some fan speculation as to whether Bowen would be retained in the first place after Tech offense’s underperformed expectations, though part of that was due to starting QB Kyron Drones being injured for most of the season.

Bowen’s departure gives Brent Pry his most important decision of the offseason, hiring a coordinator on the side of the ball that is not his background. It wouldn’t be surprising to see Pry maybe take a page from his good friend James Franklin and hire someone he feels can basically be the head coach of the offense.

One guy who could fit that profile is Akron head coach Joe Moorhead, who has been very successful as an offensive coordinator over the years. He overlapped with Pry at Penn State from 2016-17, with Tyler Bowen coaching under Moorhead for a year in 2015 while Moorhead was the head coach at Fordham.

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We will have more as this story develops.

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