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Justin Fuente Tweets Out Photo Indicating He's Staying at Virginia Tech

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After 36 hours of speculation surrounding his future, Justin Fuente sent out a tweet this morning indicating that he will be staying at Virginia Tech instead of leaving for Baylor.

This comes after a surprising interview at Baylor was reported Tuesday evening with it becoming quickly clear that Justin Fuente had legitimate interest in the Baylor opening. This news is undoubtedly good for Virginia Tech, but leaves plenty of questions about how all of this happened.

What we have heard is that something changed last night with Fuente ending his interest in the Baylor job. What specifically that looked like is relatively unclear though it appears that an interview of some sorts was cancelled last night though it's unclear if that was an initial or follow-up interview.

Going forward, Fuente will have work to do to rebuild trust that he is ready to be at Virginia Tech for more than just the next season or two. Whether Fuente really does plan on being here more than a couple years doesn't matter as much as rebuilding the perception he previously had of being here for the long term as he did when he rejected interest from Florida State back in 2017.

We will have more as this story develops.

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