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Report: ACC Football Headed To Conference-Only Schedule For 2020 Season

VT v UNC 2019 41
Photo Credit: Jake Roth

Following the lead of the Big 10, Brett McMurphy of Stadium is reporting that the ACC is planning on implementing a conference-only schedule.

This comes after the Big 10's announcement which basically cancelled this year's matchup between Virginia Tech and Penn State, a game that both schools are very likely to reschedule for a future season. This decision would also take out home games against Liberty and North Alabama along with a road game at Middle Tennessee State.

Additionally, the ACC announced earlier today that no athletic competitions will be allowed prior to September 1st, a sign that a conference-only schedule is likely to extend to all fall sports and not just football. That decision does not stop voluntary workouts currently happening for several sports.

We will have more as this story develops.

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