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Virginia Tech Among Three Schools Standing Out For Three-Star QB Tahj Bullock

Photo Credit: Harley Taylor

Tahj Bullock has quickly emerged as a top target for Virginia Tech since the Hokies offered him last month. Justin Fuente and Brad Cornelsen have led the Hokies' push for Bullock and it is paying off as the New Jersey native told us.

"Every school that has given me an opportunity is in the mix for me. I am blessed to be where I am. As far as standing out, I would say Virginia Tech, Rutgers, and UCLA stand out a lot," Bullock said.

Bullock had this to say about why the Hokies are among a trio standing out for him.

"I’ve built a great relationship with the entire staff and learned a lot about Virginia tech in such a short amount of time. On as well as off the field,it’s a great fit and I believe it’s a place where I can grow not only as a football player, but as a student and most importantly, as a man. I’m blessed to have such an opportunity along with all the other offers I have," Bullock said.

Additionally, Tahj Bullock has plans to take a visit to Virginia Tech's campus this weekend. Though he can't interact in-person with any coaches or staffers due to the current dead period, he is hoping to get a feel for the environment and atmosphere in Blacksburg.

"I'm hoping to just to see the campus and get a feel for the atmosphere there," Bullock said.

While he may not get to spend time in person with Tech's staff, he has built strong relationship with Justin Fuente and Brad Cornelsen. That has been in part due to how Bullock had had "a lot of zoom meetings that have been vital" with Fuente and Cornelsen, and how VT's head coach and offensive coordinator have been "great in order to get an understanding of what Tech is all about."

Tahj Bullock had this to say about what his relationship is like with Justin Fuente.

"Coach Fuente is a great dude and I’ve built a good relationship with him. He’s showed a lot of hospitality to me along with my family. Getting to know him, I can tell he cares a lot for his players and pushes them to get better on and off the field," Bullock said.

Additionally, he had this to say about his relationship with Brad Cornelsen.

"It's great as well. I can say the same for Coach Cornelsen as we’ve built this relationship. I’ve got to see just how much he cares for his guys and pushes them. As well as all the love he’s shown me and my family," Bullock said.

UCLA and Rutgers are also right there battling the Hokies for Bullock's commitment with the Bruins having hosted him on a virtual visit recently.

That virtual visit, along with UCLA's regular contact, have helped foster the strong relationships that have made the Bruins one of the 3 standing out for Bullock.

"I’ve been in constant contact with the UCLA staff. It's been great building that relationship as well. What stands out the most from UCLA other than the glitz and glamour aspect of it being in LA is what they bring to the table as a high level program that can develop me on the field, and with the prestige of their academics they have, I would be in a great spot when football is over," Bullock said.

Meanwhile, Rutgers brings the home state appeal along with lots of comfort given the fact that Bullock has visited the Scarlet Knights previously.

"Rutgers is home. I’ve built a great relationship with the staff and had a great time when I went on my visit there. They’ve always showed so much love to me and my family and I’m appreciative for all the time they’ve taken and the opportunity they’ve given me. Rutgers gives me a great opportunity to compete at a high level while putting myself in a great position to excel off the field as well," Bullock said.

Looking ahead, Tahj Bullock doesn't have a specific date for making a decision, but does plan to do so before the start of his senior season.

"I’m in a really great spot right now, with amazing opportunities. My plan has always been to commit before the season, and it looks like I’m still on that path. I don’t have a set date or anything like that," Bullock said.

When he does make his decision, Bullock has a good idea of what the key factors will be for him.

"What I’m looking for the most in a school is a place I feel comfortable where I can see myself grow as a play and a man and ultimately set myself up for the rest of my life after football," Bullock said.

Virginia Tech has put themselves in a great position in Tahj Bullock's recruitment, but have some tough competition alongside them to try to fend off to land one of their top offensive targets.

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