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Virginia Tech Is "Right There" For Three-Star WR Skyler Bell

Skipper 1
Photo Credit: Harley Taylor

Three-star WR Skyler Bell seemed well on his way towards making a decision with Iowa being rumored as the likely destination. However, Bell recently decided to postpone his decision and slow his recruitment down, opening the door for more teams including Virginia Tech, who had made his top 6 previously.

The Hokies have seized this opportunity to get more involved in Bell's recruitment and have positioned themselves as a contender.

"They are right there. I don’t know if I have a number, but they are up there," Bell said.

Bell had this to say about why the Hokies are "right there" in his recruitment.

"Great people, great football, great school, and great atmosphere, one of the best actually. Not much more you could want," Bell said.

Bell has been in contact with the Hokies "pretty often" with WRs coach Jafar Williams and RBs coach Adam Lechtenberg, the usual area recruiter for the Northeast, leading the charge for VT. He had this to say about his relationships with Williams and Lechtenberg.

"It's very good. We keep in constant contact. He is a good dude for sure," Bell said about his relationship with Jafar Williams.

"It's good. He’s who I’ve been in contact with the longest. I like him a lot," Bell said about his relationship with Adam Lechtenberg.

Bell has also taken a virtual visit with Virginia Tech that went "great" and that he "loved it a lot." He had this to say about what happened during his virtual visit to Virginia Tech.

"They showed me all of campus and the facilities, and then we went into some football," Bell said.

Williams and Lechtenberg led the virtual visit for the Hokies with his time with them being great and VT's coaches seeming like "great coaches to be around."

Of course, a virtual visit is different from a regular one given the lack of in-person presence as Bell shared with us.

"On regular visits, you get to get a real life feel for the atmosphere of the school, that’s the biggest difference between them," Bell said.

Even with that, Bell told us that what he learned about the atmosphere was what stood out the most to him on his virtual visit.

"The atmosphere that I got to see virtually seems like a really great place," Bell said.

This virtual visit "helped a lot" with how Virginia Tech stands in his recruitment as Skyler Bell told us.

Additionally, Bell has taken virtual visits to Iowa, Wisconsin, Rutgers, Northwestern, Wake Forest, Temple, and Old Dominion. The Hawkeyes remain serious contender while Wisconsin recently offered and also appears to be quickly rising in his recruitment.

What's most clear is the fact that the Hokies are emerging as a contender in the recruitment of Skyler Bell as he slows things down.

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